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geek week games

YouTube Geek Week Name a Neuron in EyeWire

Name a Neuron in EyeWire

As you read this, EyeWire players who qualified for Geek Week Naming Rights are voting amongst a pool of potential names for …

Neurons mapped by gamers in eyewire, game to map the brain,

Geek Week Games Challenge Day: Round 2

Congrats to the Winners from Today’s ‪#‎GeekWeek‬ Games 24 Hour Challenge! 29 Players won bonuses — as we wait for trailblazing points to roll …

Geek Week Games Challenge Day: Round 1

Congrats to the Winners from Today’s ‪#‎GeekWeek‬ Games 24 Hour Challenge! 31 Players won bonuses — as we wait for trailblazing points to roll …

eyewire geek week banner youtube

The YouTube Geek Week Games in EyeWire

Congratulations to the Geek Week Gamers! It’s a wrap. Together, you completed 4 complete neurons (a new record!) and 53,874 cubes. During the Geek …