EyeWire Chat Commands

Chat commands to improve your EyeWire experience.

Korean chat commands.

One of the most important features in chat is /pm, a feature that allows you to send a private message to another EyeWirer.

eyewire chat private message

Send a private message in chat by typing /pm USERNAME followed by whatever you want to say. So if you wanted to send a message to @Nseraf asking him what is the meaning of life, I would type ‘/pm Nseraf What is the meaning of life?’ and in chat it appears only to the user you send the message to.  When someone sends you a message it appears as you see below. User @ice912 does not see the private messages between me Nseraf.

eyewire private messaging, eyewire chate

Too much chat? Shut it off by typing /silence into the comment bar. To turn chat back on, type the same command again.

International player? Type /join Korean or /join English to switch between EyeWire’s language chat channels.

change channel in eyewire chat

ProTip: /join en   or /join ko also work.

/me loves EyeWire

To add a special line in the EyeWire chat roll, type /me followed by an action you would like to express to other players. For example, typing ‘/me loves bacon’ results in the message ‘amy loves bacon

eyewire chat

nkem_test Commands

!tb command eyewireEyeWire Chat has special player-generated commands created by @nkem. Here they are in full glory. This is one post in a series of posts highlighting features created by EyeWirers!

The following text first appeared here in the EyeWire forum and explains @nkem’s chatbot aka @nkem_test. Nkem’s bots also provide stats and feedback during competitions.

Overview over all commands that nkem_test understands right now:

If you send @nkem_bot a private message (how to send a private message), he’ll answer with a pm as well. (I use that for testing)

[These commands help players answer FAQs in chat by providing automatic detailed responses to common questions. Type the bold text into chat and @nkem_bot will give you — and the player asking a question — an answer]


!about of course you're helping science!!about (Am I really helping science?)

Of course you are helping science: https://blog.eyewire.org/about/

!cb (cell body)

Does your cube contain such a huge blob? http://i.imgur.com/qAnsB.png

Then you got a (rather uninteresting) cell body. Just reconstruct the superficies and submit that work.

!colors eyewire chat command!colors (chat colors)

Yellow: Admin | Purple: Moderator | Blue: Day topscorers | Red: All-time topscorer

!dbg (debug window)

Type /debug in chat to see the cube ID, coordinates and other information.

!explore eyewire bot chat command!explore (explore mode)

Press Ctrl+E (or Cmd+E on Mac) to toggle “explore mode” on and off

Ctrl+D will delete everything you have done in explore mode; Ctrl+M will add it to your work

If you hit “I’m finished”, ALL colored paths are submitted! Be sure to use Ctrl+D

!faq (Kettas FAQ)


!merger eyewire chat bot command!merger

A merger occurs when the AI or players mistakenly colored an adjacent neuron as well.



Your payment are points and honor – your reward the good feeling to do this FOR SCIENCE! 😀

!points chat bot command eyewire!points (points calculation)

Points are based on time, volume and accuracy. Longer answer can be found at


!tb (trailblazing)

Trailblazing means you are the first one to submit this specific cube

You’ll get 50 extra points for it. Assignment is based on accuracy.

!video (rprentkis tutorial videos)


!w (Wolfram Alpha)

Query WolframAlpha straight from chat!

From @nkem:

a possible conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit would now require something like:
“nkem_test, what’s 23°C in Fahrenheit?” or even something minimalistic as
“!w 23C to F”

Of course, Wolfram|Alpha is not just a conversion tool; third derivatives, distances and weather data of Boston in 1981 should work as well…

!online <username>

Checks for last activity of the user – seems to be a bit buggy… rather useless right now



might give some personal player statistics during competitions – answers are private messages




I am a bit biased concerning the usefulness of my bot… So if you find something annoying, please let me know. Feature requests, spell corrections and everything else is also welcome. However I can’t promise to include all suggested features…



We will keep this post updated with the lastest chat commands. See you online at EyeWire.org!



Nkem’s ChatBot Commands


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