The YouTube Geek Week Games in EyeWire

Congratulations to the Geek Week Gamers!

It’s a wrap.

Together, you completed 4 complete neurons (a new record!) and 53,874 cubes. During the Geek Week Games, 2,377 new players joined EyeWire. Together you all racked up the a combined 5,223,427 points.

212 people from 24 different countries completed over 50 cubes each, earning a vote to name each of the neurons discovered during the games. They’ll be voting on names over the next couple weeks – stay tuned to the blog and social pages for updates.

Congrats to the 29 players who completed over 300 cubes with >80% accuracy during the Geek Week Games, winning the right to nominate a name for a real neuron.  Naming is already underway and today we’re pleased to announce the official name of the first neuron!

 See below for the original Geek Week Games Announcement post! See you online at

eyewire YouTube geek week games

YouTube’s Geek Week is coming Aug 4-10.


Aug 4 – 10: Geek Week Games on (details below)

All neurons reconstructed during the Geek Week Games will be named by the EyeWire community. 

The more people who play, the more cells we’ll map — you as a community win the right get to name them and thus live forever in scientific and gaming history.

Tues, Aug 6 @ 2pm ET: Faking It: Hangout with Nobel Prize winning neuroscience lab to talk about the neuroscience of memory in honor of Geek Week Brainiac Day.

Thurs, Aug 8 @ 1pm ET: Twitter Livechat on Gaming with YouTube. Use hashtag #geekweekgames and tweet us @eye_wire.

Thurs, Aug 8 @ 2pm ET: Behind the Scenes @ EyeWIre: MIT Neuroscience Gamelab Tour for Geek Week Gaming Day.

Special Geek Week Challenges:
Tues & Thurs: 24 Hour Challenges
Regular Happy Hours on Friday from 2 – 4 pm

EyeWire, a game to map the brain from MIT, invites you to celebrate Geek Week. In addition to the activities above, we’ll debuttwo never before seen EyeWire animations, new graphics, swag and a few more surprises!

Most importantly…

The Geek Week Games — deets

Duration: 7 Days

Start: Sunday, August 4th at midnight.

End: Saturday, August 10th at 11:59 pm

Participate by signing in on and play one of the “Geek Week Games” neurons (here’s how).

Map as many neurons as you can over the course of 7 days. Why? Because for the first time since The EyeWire Games we’re giving away naming rights to all the cells completed during Geek Week Games. Complete more than 50 cubes during the Geek Week Games and you’ll earn a vote. The only neuron that has ever been named by gamers is named I F*ing Love there’s that.

Go Home With More than a Neuron. Become a Geek Week Champion

The player with the highest combined score, accuracy and cube count (calculated just like the a5hm0r challenge) will be crowned Champion. We’ll feature your username on the EyeWire Facebook and Google+ cover images. You will win geek glory. And also a bonus of 15% of your total week’s score.

Contenders will be ranked by three metrics: points, cubes and accuracy.

For each metric, players rank 1, 2, 3…n. Ranks will then be summed to generate a final score. For example, say EyeWirer @nkem ranks #1 on points, #5 on cubes and #2 on accuracy. His combined tally is 1+5+2 or 8. The player with the lowest combined score wins. First place will land you a 3x bonus of points scored during the competition window. 2nd place wins 1.5x points. In the event of a tie, we will have a one hour bonus round based solely on accuracy.

In addition to our regular Friday Happy Hours, we’ll host 24 hour Challenges on Tuesday, August 6th and Thursday, August 8th in honor of Geek Week’s Brainiac and Gaming themed days. Many a bonus point will be won.


  • Score over 5,000 points for a +1,000 bonus
  • Score over 10,000 for a +5,000 bonus
  • Score over 20,000 for a +10,000 bonus
  • For every 10,000 you score above 20K you’ll earn an extra 2,500 points
  • Make it to 50K in a day and win a +20,000 bonus
  • Only one player in EyeWire history (@crazyman4865) has made it to 100K in a day without bonuses…if you can do it on a Challenge Day, you will win an extra 50,000 points (put that number in perspective: I work at EyeWire HQ and have a total of 40,000, ever)
Bonuses are non-cumulative.

Each day the top scoring player will receive special recognition. We’ll also provide special stats and the occasional spontaneous power hour.

How many neurons do you think the geek world can map in just 7 days? Let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or Google+.

See you online at

YouTube Geek Week hello

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