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Competitions, Page 34

swag, brain swag, nurro, neuroscience, neuron mug, eyewire, citizen science, susi

Win Eyewire Brain Swag!

  Map the brain, win free stuff? Yes pls! You can win free Eyewire tees, mugs, and stickers, during the upcoming Grim’s Haunted …

toxic, neuron, monster, zach herman, neuroscience, sciart, neuroscience, neuron, creepy, poison monster, character design

Neuromonster Coloring Contest!

Did you know that when you’re at a haunted house, the haunting is actually tiny neuromonsters wreaking havoc in your brain? If …

eyewire, citizen-science, grim, haunted carnival

Grim’s Haunted Carnival

Season’s greetings, Eyewirers! The Halloween season, that is. It’s our beloved Grim Reaper’s favorite month. Last year, as you may recall, he …

mountain lion, Eyewire, citizen science

Team Mountain Lion wins!

The Eyewirers have spoken! According to our very scientific competition, it appears we ought to call this fierce feline a mountain lion. …

kelv, eyewire developer, eyewire, development

Happy Birthday Kelv!

On this day, October 12, many moons ago, a baby was born who would one day go on to lead hundreds of …

September Marathon: Results!

Congratulations, Eyewirers! You completed this 1657-cube cell in 25 hours 9 minutes. Be proud! We are always amazed by your achievements. And …