The Grimch: Evil Cubes

grimch, christmas, fun, competition, science

The Grimch was pondering, thinking hard with his noggin,
What mean thing could he make for players who log in?
He hatched a plan to foil both old players and n00bs
It was quite shocking, it was called “Evil Cubes!”

Badges for your efforts:

90% accuracy or higher – Evil Cubes Grandmaster
80% accuracy or higher – Evil Cubes Master
Everyone else who completes all 12 cubes – Evil Cubes Challenger

… and the usual bonuses:

1st Place Accuracy – 8,000 point bonus
2nd Place Accuracy – 5,000 point bonus
3rd Place Accuracy – 3,000 point bonus
Complete all 12 cubes – 1,000 point bonus

Please remember that these bonuses are non-cumulative; first place accuracy gets a flat 8,000 points, for example.

The cubes launch starting 12/15 at 12:00 AM ET, and they will be up until 12/20 at 12:00 PM ET.

Artwork by Daniela Gamba