Eyewire Summer Games: The Marathon!
Is the Chariots of Fire theme stuck in your head yet? It might be after we kick off our final event of Eyewire’s Summer Games: the Marathon. You probably know the drill by now, but just in case…
Bonuses for your participation:
Complete 20 cubes – 2,000 point bonus
Complete 50 cubes – 5,000 point bonus
Complete 150 cubes – 20,000 point bonus
Complete 300 cubes – 40,000 point bonus
For every 150 cubes above 300 cubes – 2,500 points
If the cell is completed as hoped within 24 hrs, mappers who:
- Complete at least 50 cubes will win rights to vote on a new name for the Marathon Cell.
- Complete at least 200 cubes will win rights to nominate a new name for the Marathon Cell.
We’ll launch the cell at 10:00 AM EDT on 8/24 and see if we can break our current record. Load up on carbs and get ready to run!
Artwork by Daniela Gamba