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Eyewire, Page 7

Eyewire, citizen science, Nurro, back to school, marathon

The September Marathon is nigh!

But soft, what cell through yonder portal breaks? It is the marathon, and O, what fun! All right, that’s enough Shakespeare for …

x, y, z, planes, pun, Nurro, citizen sciene, sciart, space, science, art, eyewire, eyewire art

X vs. Y vs. Z Planes

This seems straightforward. But you might also say you can come at it from three different directions. Eh? Eh? We’re getting a …

the dig, eyewire, sector, 11, complete

Dig Sector 11 is complete!

Hooray! Sector 11 of The Dig is complete as of 9/5/2018! After a very thorough review, we can confirm that in this …

scythe, live overview, overview, eyewire live, citizen science, scythe

Live Overview

We’re excited to launch Live Overview, a feature that shows the real-time game activity of other Eyewirers directly on the cell. Regular …