Operation Spywire: Accuracy Happy Hours

spywire, secret agent, eyewire, heroes of science, science, spywire, seung lab

Ah, an ordinary day at HQ. Or is it? You’ve been engaged in your usual routine: honing your aim out on the range, pumping iron at the gym, tracing dozens of cubes, engaging in witty banter. During these activities, it’s fairly typical to see new recruits touring the premises and being shown the ropes. Until, that is, you squint for a moment and realize there’s someone whose recruit uniform looks just a little… fake. And they’re acting kind of weird. And they keep drifting into various rooms on their own.

This just might be the first part of RAGE’s plan! They may have a mole at HQ. Don’t break stride, keep your cool, but also keep your eye on this suspicious character.

You will have two opportunities to test your accuracy and try identifying a mole account on the game. All times are EDT:

Session 1 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on 8/18
Session 2 – 10:00 PM to 11:59 PM on 8/18

HQ will bestow typical Happy Hour bonuses for your work during each of those time frames, but there’s more than that to earn!

80% accuracy – Accuracy Challenger
90% accuracy – Accuracy Master
95% accuracy – Accuracy Grandmaster

Swag: Most accurate player completing at least 20 cubes wins 1 t-shirt!

Extra point bonuses will be added to your baseline Happy Hour earnings, as follows:

1st Place Accuracy – 10,000 point bonus
2nd Place Accuracy – 8,000 point bonus
3rd Place Accuracy – 6,000 point bonus
Anyone else with 95% – 5,000 point bonus
Anyone else with 90% – 3,000 point bonus
Anyone else with 80% – 2,000 point bonus
Under 80% but played at least 20 cubes – 1,000 point bonus

Please remember that these bonuses are non-cumulative; first place accuracy gets a flat 10,000 points, for example.

For identifying the mole, you may notice some “new” accounts in chat during the two HH time windows. You won’t receive any overt indications that these accounts are different from actual new players, but one will be dropping some ultra-covert references to a few spy novels or movies; this is the mole. If you think you’ve spotted them, let HQ know by submitting the username here before the second HH ends. Anyone who guesses correctly will get a further 2,500 point bonus. You have an equal likelihood of finding the mole regardless of which HH you participate in.

Mentors: You are still allowed to mentor people during these time windows. Please just use your best judgment as to whether someone is asking you for basic newbie help vs. trying to have you boost their accuracy on cube after cube.

Scythes: Please avoid scything during these time windows. Even though accuracy for this will be retroactively calculated, we would prefer to go with accuracy based on players’ raw tracing. By the time this challenge is scored, don’t worry, admins will have corrected consensus as needed.

Artwork by Daniela Gamba