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Competitions, Page 35

Eyewire, citizen science, Nurro, back to school, marathon

The September Marathon is nigh!

But soft, what cell through yonder portal breaks? It is the marathon, and O, what fun! All right, that’s enough Shakespeare for …

x, y, z, planes, pun, Nurro, citizen sciene, sciart, space, science, art, eyewire, eyewire art

X vs. Y vs. Z Planes

This seems straightforward. But you might also say you can come at it from three different directions. Eh? Eh? We’re getting a …

brain zoo, animals, science, giraffe, brains, fun, competitino

Eyewire Brain Zoo: Awards

This concludes our journey through the Eyewire Brain Zoo.  Thanks to all who participated.  We hope you had fun and learned some …

Lionize, eyewire, citizen science, Happy Hour, zoo brains, brain zoo, brain, neuroscience, cit sci, research, trivia, power hour, gorilla, sign language gorilla, zoo, zookeeper, neurons, gorilla brain, brain facts

Eyewire Brain Zoo: Primate Trivia

Let’s round the corner to the Primate Sanctuary, where our closest cousins in the animal world will greet us! Primate Trivia Aug …