좀비 할로윈 대회
그림리퍼(GrimReaper)가 무언가에 의해서 깊은 잠에서 깨어났다. 무엇에 의해서일까? 불길한 예감. 그림리퍼는 화학물 Z가 EyeWire 본부를 감염시키기 시작했고, 곧 모든 플레이어들에게 확산될 것이라는 …
그림리퍼(GrimReaper)가 무언가에 의해서 깊은 잠에서 깨어났다. 무엇에 의해서일까? 불길한 예감. 그림리퍼는 화학물 Z가 EyeWire 본부를 감염시키기 시작했고, 곧 모든 플레이어들에게 확산될 것이라는 …
Eyewire now offering free Chemical Z screenings Have you been experiencing shortness of breath? No breath? Desires to chomp down on your …
CHEMICAL Z UPDATE Chemical Z has been wreaking havoc through the streets of Eyewire for almost a week now. It’s been insanity! At …
BREAKING NEWS The Eyewire team has just gotten the news that a highly dangerous substance known only as “Chemical Z” has started …
You have 1 day left to complete 250 cubes and earn 25,000 points! Just finish 250 cubes before Thursday, October 16th at 8 …
As you may already know, Eyewire has recently partnered with KT (Korea Telecom). To celebrate this partnership, we’re offering up 25,000 points …
It was an epic space battle, but in the end there could only be one winner. Star Wars sliced through the competition …
New levels in Eyewire From this point forward, EyeWire will change a bit. We will no longer solely be focused on Starbursts for our advanced …
Welcome our newest developer Chris, username @Kelv, with a special happy hour! Since Chris’s favorite number is 4, the competition will start …
Laws of the Land Eyewire is a diverse community with players of all ages and nationalities coming together to help science! One …
It’s a battle more time-worn than time itself. Rock, paper, and scissors will finally meet in the Eyewire arena to duke it out for the …