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Celia, Page 36

creeper grimreaper, eyewire

좀비 할로윈 대회

그림리퍼(GrimReaper)가 무언가에 의해서 깊은 잠에서 깨어났다. 무엇에 의해서일까? 불길한 예감. 그림리퍼는 화학물 Z가 EyeWire 본부를 감염시키기 시작했고, 곧 모든 플레이어들에게 확산될 것이라는 …

for science eyewire green

Announcing New Levels in Eyewire

New levels in Eyewire From this point forward, EyeWire will change a bit. We will no longer solely be focused on Starbursts for our advanced …

EyeWire, EyeWire logo, EyeWire low poly, low poly, eyewire 3D

Eyewire Chat Rule Book

Laws of the Land Eyewire is a diverse community with players of all ages and nationalities coming together to help science! One …


Rock, Paper, Scissors, Compete!

It’s a battle more time-worn than time itself.  Rock, paper, and scissors will finally meet in the Eyewire arena to duke it out for the …