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zebrafish, HHMI, Ashwin Vishwanathan, mystic, eyewire, citizen science, neuroscience

Mystic Zebrafish Update

We’re about a year and a half into Mystic, an advanced tier of Eyewire gameplay that allows players to access zebrafish brains …

nurro notification, accuracy eyewire, eyewire, citizen science, synapse, neurons, citizen science, cit sci, citsci, citizen science ui, citizen science user interface, eyewire notifications, notifications, gamification, citizen science game, nurro, eyewire

New Accuracy-Triggered Notifications

A new set of notifications is now live to welcome new Eyewirers and congratulate accuracy achievements in the game. Notifications will congratulate …

cortex, cortical column, volume, brain, neuroscience, chandelier cell, connectome, connectomics, pyramidal cells, inhibitory neuron, axon hillock, neural circuit

Sparkling Chandeliers of Cortex

What’s in a brain? So many cells; such great variety! When it comes to neurons, they can be broadly categorized as either …

2i, neurons, neuroscience, eyewire

Neuron naming resumes next week

When we announced the neuron naming associated with the Cell publication, there was also a calendar included. According to that calendar, we should …

alice in wonderland, citizen science, Eyewire, Lina, Nurro, Sebastian Seung

Alice’s Adventures in Neuroland

It’s been an ordinary afternoon, perhaps, but for anyone with an active imagination there’s never quite such a thing as “ordinary.” Here …

pyramidal, neurons, neo, eyewire, neuroglancer, seung lab, microns, iarpa, connectomics, brain

Neuron Bundle: Neo Update

Ever since Neo was announced, Seung Lab has been working hard to prepare new research tools (AIs, annotations, data sharing hubs, visualizations, etc) …

heatmap, eyewire, citizen science, neuroscience, scythe, scout, mystic, neo brain game, neurons, brain, neuroscience

New Feature: Cube Review

Finally you can get feedback on your cubes! Select Review following submission to compare your trace with other accurate players who did …

HQ initiates Operation Spywire!

Calling all secret agents of Eyewire! HQ’s intelligence division has received a tip that the dastardly syndicate known as RAGE (Random Acts …

eyewire neurons, BrainVR, 3D neurons, neuron design, r3, eyewire

I wire…For Science!

The following community perspective post was written by Eyewirer r3 and originally appeared on her blog here. —– I was never much of …

neurons, 3D neurons, rose quartz, serenity, rose quartz neurons, tranquility neurons, pantone science, pantone, colors of the year, beautiful neurons, stunning neurons, gorgeous neurons, science, neuroscience

Rose Quartz and Serenity Neurons

The soothing tranquility of a sea of neurons connected through the warm embrace of a hundred trillion rosy synapses.. Enjoy the latest …

BrainVR, Alex Norton, Eyewire, Fluid Interfaces, MIT Media Lab

BrainVR at Tribeca Film Festival

  The brain is a beautiful place. Thanks to today’s phenom tech, we’re able to explore it like never before. The combined efforts …