Chat Bot 101
EyeWire Chat has special player-generated commands. Here they are in full glory. This is one post in a series of posts highlighting …
EyeWire Chat has special player-generated commands. Here they are in full glory. This is one post in a series of posts highlighting …
The dreaded trailblaze has become an EyeWire bonus! Trailblazing, or mapping a cube for the first time, is worth 50 points. Many …
EyeWire tutorial: change color by selecting the gear and toggling the “Paint Color” bar. What’s your favorite neuron color?
The EyeWire Games begin on Feb 13th. How will The EyeWire Games work? The EyeWire Games are 7 days of team competition …
The EyeWire Games It’s coming. The first EyeWire competition: Facebook vs Reddit vs Google+ vs Team X (EyeWire Veterans). A race to trace …