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Eyewire, Page 13

NEI, marathon, eyewire, citizen science, national eye institute

Celebrate the National Eye Institute’s 50th Birthday with Vision Science Competitions!

We’re teaming up with the National Eye Institute to host a series of science-themed competitions that will take place between March and October, 2018.  Kick things off with a special Scythe Marathon beginning at 8 am on Monday, March 5. Look for the NEI Marathon cell and race to trace, for the results of this marathon will be on display at an event on Capital Hill in Washington, DC on March 21!

eyewire, winter games, citizen-science, figure skating, trivia

Eyewire Winter Games 2018: Trivia

Figure skating! Always an audience favorite. Jackson Haines, a 19th century American who began his career as a ballet dancer, is generally …

Eyewire, citizen science, kaiju

Team Kaiju reigns supreme!

We, for one, welcome our new kaiju overlords. The victory in this VS goes to the kaiju! Well fought, one and all. …