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Eyewire, Page 5

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

December Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

Outer Realms Sector 5 Complete!

Outer Realms Sector 5 is complete as of 11/8/2023! We have mapped our largest sector yet – consisting of 32 Lightyears, 65 …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

November Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

October Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

October Accuracy Happy Hours

As announced yesterday, Hallow-Xmas is back, so we’re doing Accuracy Happy Hours early this month! These are also the last Accuracy Happy …

Hallow-Xmas, Eyewire, citizen science, Halloween, Xmas, holiday

Hallow-Xmas 4: Another Reckoning

‘Tis the fourth Hallow-Xmas, and all through our game Come voices that whisper this challenge’s name; You’ve waited for months, even close …

September Accuracy Happy Hours

The equinox is getting close! In this hemisphere we’re about to switch over to the nights being longer than the days. And …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

September Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …