Eyewire Academy: For Science! Marathon

eyewire academy, back to school, eyewire, competition, fun, major competition, events

It’s our big competition finale, and a fan favorite – the marathon! As all dedicated Eyewirers know, our rallying cry is For Science! So play some cubes and contribute to the future of neuroscience!

Begins at 8:00 AM on Wednesday 8/28
Ends at 8:00 AM on Thursday 8/29

Swag: The top player (defined by number of points earned during the marathon time period) will win 1 notebook and 1 magnet! Also, among the top 25% of players, 5 players will be raffled magnets.

We’ve also got a little science exam for you. Answer some questions about the science behind Eyewire and neuroscience in general to earn your final points!

Artwork by Daniela Gamba