Every year, a select group of talented young illustrators and designers descends upon Eyewire HQ to up the visual ante on the gamemasters’ incredibly creative suite of competitions.
This post celebrates some of the best illustration from 2013 through 2016. Feel free to share these images as long as they are properly credited to the artist and Eyewire.
Hey there and welcome to the Eyewire illustration gallery! Click through a creative cast of characters. Artist: Tyler Scagliarini
Neuroquest by Daniela Gamba
YOU. If you play Eyewire, you are a hero of neuroscience. Art by Hyunah Choi, Alex Norton and Karyll Catubig
Hoverboard vs Jetpack, a classic future battle illustrated by Daniela Gamba
Sportscars vs Motorcycles by Daniela Gamba for Spywire Competition
Spywire Marathon Chase by Daniela Gamba
The Great Spywire Escape starring Jamie Pond! Art by Daniela Gamba
Nurro is pleased to receive a gold medal in cuteness. Artist: Daniela Gamba
Slowly delivering a KO. Turtle vs Sloth // Daniela Gamba
Boxing turtle after a fight // Daniela Gamba
Sloth is elated that he clinched a win after a mere 48 hour fight // Daniela Gamba
See ya later, alligator. Art by Rabbit Giraud
The world’s most delightful shark versus one iced up tornado // Soyeon Lim
A mythical battle between Medusa and the Sphynx // Tyler Scagliarini
Fire and Ice // Dom Civello
A battle of disastrous proportions: Volcano vs Tsunami by Daniela Gamba
Rock Candy for Candyworld by Tyler Scagliarini
What’s candy world? Only the sweetest competition of all time. Dec 2015. Artist: Tyler Scagliarini
Laffy Taffy Girl battled the Taffy Bot and came out on top, albeit a bit sticky. Artist: Tyler Scagliarini
Unlike traditional jawbreakers, Eyewire cubes pose no risk for your teeth. Artist: Tyler Scagliarini
Another big competition: Summer Games, a Rio Olympics inspired challenge week with exotic sports like.. (Artist: Daniela Gamba and Alex Norton)
Hover fencing! Artist: Daniela Gamba and Alex Norton
Neuro Hero Taikwando! Artist: Daniela Gamba and Alex Norton
Ribbon Dancing // Daniela Gamba)
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships were built for.” Nurro takes a great leap // Tyler Scagliarini
Planning to uncover neuroscience’s hidden secrets. Captain Grim’s Treasure // Maddi Coyne
Ahoy matey, I wouldn’t be messin with the master o’ the mind’s endless sea. Art by award-winning artist Dom Civello.
Captain Grim’s treasure map. Click to enlarge // Dom Civello
In another dimension, there are dinosaur engineers planning to save a species on another planet from certain doom // Tyler Scagliarini, Karyll Catubig
Winter’s greatest GIF. In the North corner: Santa on a polar bear with a magic staff. In the South corner: scientist with penguin squad. Which pole is on top? It’s really a matter of what direction you’re approaching the earth… North Pole v South Pole // Grace Emmet
Order vs Chaos by Daniela Gamba for Neuroquest Competition
Heavy Metals Vs Noble Gasses // Soyeon Lim
Eagles vs Beagles, the oldest rival in history // Grace Emmet
Breakfast Battle of the flat fluffy foods that long for syrup // Tyler Scagliarini
Classical Throwdown: Copernicus Vs Galileo. The 2nd ever team competition to have art in Eyewire (2016)
Bowie Battle! The first team competition illustration for Eyewire (2015) by Tyler Scagliarini.
Eyewire’s first character illustration! Created Summer 2015 for Competition Christmas 2015 // Chengcheng Xiang
Summer campetition 2015 // Nicole Benson
Charging through the continuum // Chengcheng Xiang.
Beth Almeida, one of our first two ever interns, created a creepy cast of reap-ey characters back in 2013.
The master reaper, Grim himself. Beth Almeida, 2013.
Who can forget the loveable death bearing cheebie reapers made by Eyewire’s own gamemaster, M!
By Eyewire gamemaster, M.
Monday, visualized. Water versus Electronics for Mystic Rising by Daniela Gamba
The Great Sebastian Seung! // Maddi Coyne
A feline creation by Maddi Coyne for Liger vs Zorse
Wizard Lizard // Grace Emmet
Fiddler Crab // Grace Emmet
Dapper Red Snapper // Grace Emmet
Punk Skunk // Grace Emmet
The greatest summer condiment battle: Ketchup in the red corner and Mustard in yellow! Art by MJ Kim
Synth or Spin? Analog vs Digital by Daniela Gamba
Early bird gets the — HAHAHHA I ATE ALL THE WORMS IN THE NIGHT!!!! Early bird vs night owl by Grace Emmett