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Competitions, Page 27

eyewire academy, back to school, eyewire, competition, fun, major competition, events

Eyewire Academy: P.E.-vil Cubes

Wowee these sure are some Eeeeevil Cubes! If you can manage to get through all 12 of them without fainting from exhaustion …

eyewire academy, back to school, eyewire, competition, fun, major competition, events

Welcome to Eyewire Academy!

Special Contest: For each event you will receive a pop quiz along with the regular in-game tasks. Quizzes may be taken at …

syke, scythe, heroes

August Open Promotions are here!

Greetings Eyewirers! Our next round of open promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors is approaching! During this time you can fill out the open promotion …

Nurro, Eyewire, citizen science, neon, competition, winner

Congrats to Team Neon!

The colorful battle has drawn to a close, and the winner emerges: Team Neon! Congratulations to the bold and the beautiful, but …

Brax, Flyx, video games, competition, faceoff, Eyewire, citizen science

Neon vs. Pastel

Some of us have big, brash personalities, and some are all soft and subdued. In the color palette of life, you can …

Lina, Brax, past, future, abacus, computer, time travel

Past vs Future: Past wins!

It was a competition that broke the space time continuum, but in the end we could only hurdle in one direction. The …

Apollo 11, marathon, Eyewire, citizen science, Syke, cell name

July Marathon: Results!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! That’s a wrap, everyone. The July Marathon is over! This cell was completed in 10 hours 13 minutes, achieving a size …

lightning, storm, weather, meteorology, Eyewire, citizen science

Team Lightning wins!

With a mighty flash, the storm finishes, and Team Lightning is the last one standing! Congratulations to our winners, and congratulations to …

thunder, lightning, meteorology, citizen science, Eyewire, storm, weather

Stormy Weather: Thunder vs. Lightning

Do you love thunderstorms? Do you hate thunderstorms? Either way, they’re always quite the spectacle— and a great example of electromagnetic force …