The EyeWire Games: Day 4

Day 4 of The EyeWire Games is now complete! We experienced a minor kink when IFLS posted us again, which resulted in so much activity that our cache filled up. This resulted in the cube spawner going a little haywire (covered in this post). Things are now back to normal and no progress was lost.

We spent all night looking through each team’s progress and pruning away mergers, AKA where there mapping incorrectly branches off from one cell into another. Pruning mergers results in a loss of merged cubes, hence the slight drop in total team score.

Here is is, the leaderboard ballpark by number of cubes grown per team.

Facebook holds the lead while Team X moves into second place over Reddit!

Leaderboard EyeWIre 2.17



Teams, here are your leaders!

EyeWire Team Leaders 2.17

Meet today’s Top 10 EyeWirers.

Facebook claims 4 out of 10 spots. Team X moves up in the ranks while Reddit struggles to maintain a hold on the leaderboard.

top players EyeWire

Finally, a special shoutout to @ketta, this week’s Top EyeWirer, scoring over 150,000 points!

@ketta EyeWIrer of the week 

Fight for your team at


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