The Classic: Batman vs. Superman
If ever there were a combat question that no one will fully answer…

… or won’t they?
You know the drill, Eyewirers. Pick your hero: the mortal man with a million gadgets and a sore spot about deceased parental units, or the space alien with a million abilities and a weakness for the radioactive ore of his home soil? Signups start right now; the competition begins 11 AM Eastern, Thursday 1/8 and runs for 24 hours.
The usual bonuses:
Earn 5,000 points – 2,500 bonus
Earn 15,000 points – 5,000 bonus
Earn 25,000 points – 10,000 bonus
Every additional 25,000 points – 5,000 bonus
Winning team – 10,000 bonus
Team winner – 2,500 bonus
#1 overall score – 10,000 bonus
#2 overall score – 5,000 bonus
#3 overall score – 2,500 bonus