Juega EyeWire y Contribuye con la Investigación de la Neurociencia en el MIT
Puede resultar una sorpresa que aunque conocemos mucho sobre cómo funciona el ojo, los investigadores en neurociencia no entienden cómo las señales …
Puede resultar una sorpresa que aunque conocemos mucho sobre cómo funciona el ojo, los investigadores en neurociencia no entienden cómo las señales …
There are about 85 billion neurons in one human brain. These are all branches of just one cell: a starburst neuron in the …
We’re delighted to debut profiles in EyeWire. In the new home view on eyewire.org, you will see at bottom left three icons …
Congrats, you’ve just completed 2 new neurons in EyeWire. Mystery Cell 2 and Mystery Cell 4 have been called by HQ! While …
Meet Claire O’Connell, EyeWire’s Director of Education, who graduated from MIT today with a degree in Cognitive Sciences! This summer, Claire will …
Sebastian Seung‘s book, Connectome, named one of the top 10 nonfiction books in 2012 by the Wall Street Journal, is now available in …
EyeWire is a game to map the brain from Seung Lab at. Anyone can play and you need no scientific background. Over …
EyeWire Chat has special player-generated commands. Here they are in full glory. This is one post in a series of posts highlighting …
Now that the first EyeWire dataset is complete, let’s switch up the game. The next stage of EyeWire involves identifying mystery cells …
CLARITY makes brains (and other tissue) clear. “This is probably one of the most important advances for doing neuroanatomy in decades,” says Thomas …
First there was the CrazyMan Challenge. Then there was the @a5hm0r Challenge. Now it’s time for the next chapter in EyeWire player …
President Barack Obama announced today at the White House a BRAIN Initiative, “a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of …