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Eyewire, Page 9

Eyewire Release Report 6/1/2018

Happy Friday! To give you a comprehensive picture of everything new on Eyewire, here are all changes since the last report a …

notifications, eyewire, ui, ux, citizen science, eyewire, player progression, citizen science, sciart, design, amy sterling, amy robinson sterling, daniela gamba, neurons, scout, scythe, mentor, moderator

Introducing Eyewire Notifications!

It’s finally time to deploy Notifications! On Friday, June 1, Eyewire Notifications go live. Competitions, news, and special events will now be …

space, Eyewire, citizen science, nebula

Time vs. Space: Results!

Excellent work, Team Space! You have carried the day. Congratulations to both sides on a battle well fought, and enjoy your bonuses! …

May Marathon: Results!

Smashing work! You plowed through this first 1802-cube cell at a very respectable 15 hours 15 minutes and managed 7 hours exactly …

Sector 10, Eyewire, The Dig, citizen science

Dig Sector 10 is complete!

It’s time for another big cellebration on Eyewire: Sector 10 of The Dig is complete as of 5/30/2018! In this sector we …

citizen science, Eyewire, Nurro, May, spring allergies

The May Marathon approaches!

Happy Monday, Eyewirers! What’s so happy about it? Well, marathon signups are open, for one thing. The forecast for Wednesday is clear …