Alice in Neuroland: Curious Cubes
Finally, you seem to be out of that retinal thicket, but only to find yourself chasing the White Rabbit down some new …
Finally, you seem to be out of that retinal thicket, but only to find yourself chasing the White Rabbit down some new …
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not …
It’s been an ordinary afternoon, perhaps, but for anyone with an active imagination there’s never quite such a thing as “ordinary.” Here …
It was a hard fought battle, but in the end one personality trait came out on top. Congrats to team Extrovert! Socializing ftw! Leaderboard: …
Hello Eyewirers! Our next round of open promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mods, and Mentors is approaching. We will also consider new Mystics! …
Happy Friday! To give you a comprehensive picture of everything new on Eyewire, here are all changes since the last report a …
Eyewire made a safe journey into the cloud. You should now be able to go back online. This was a big move, …
As mentioned in our previous post, we are migrating Eyewire to the cloud to provide better site stability. Eyewire will be experiencing downtime …
We lost a node at the data center. In order prevent further interruptions, we’re migrating Eyewire to the cloud. We’ve been planning this move for a while and will be accelerating the process because of the recent issues.
It’s a snowy day here at HQ… that’s April in Boston for you! As for March, it snowed new millionaires and we …
Edit 7:41 pm: 13 hours later, Eyewire is back online! Since this first happy hour was lost in downtime, we’re throwing a …
Awesome sauce!!! You folks finished this first 432-cube cell in 4 hours 38 minutes, which is a brand new amazing record, and …