June Accuracy Happy Hours

The solstice is nearly upon us, and as the days reach their longest (or nights, down under), time can seem to slow down. In this stretched-out period, are you able to concentrate harder? Moving faster than everything around you? That seems like the perfect occasion for Accuracy Happy Hours: play as many cubes as you can, but also trace them as accurately as you can!

Give it a try. It’s the best time of year!

You’ll have three chances to participate in these Accuracy Happy Hours; that’s three chances to get special recognition for accurate tracing! All times are EDT:

Session 1 – 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM on 6/20
Session 2 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on 6/21
Session 3 – 10:00 PM to midnight on 6/21

HQ will bestow typical Happy Hour bonuses for your tracing during each of those time frames, but there’s more than that to earn!

Special Accuracy Bonuses:

  • 1st Place – 10,000 points
  • 2nd Place – 8,000 points
  • 3rd Place – 6,000 points
  • 95% Accuracy – 5,000 points
  • 90% Accuracy – 3,000 points
  • 80% Accuracy – 2,000 points
  • 1,000 points for anyone under 80% who still plays at least 30 cubes in either slot.

Mentors: You are still allowed to mentor people during these time windows. Please just use your best judgment as to whether someone is asking you for basic newbie help vs. trying to have you boost their accuracy on cube after cube.

Scythes: Please avoid scything during these time windows. Even though accuracy for this will be retroactively calculated, we would prefer to go with accuracy based on players’ raw tracing.

For science!