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Marathon, Page 2

Fossil Fever: Marathon Results!

Talk about putting the “trace” in trace fossils! You finished this 1301-cube marathon cell in 17 hours 28 minutes, along with 5 …

April Marathon: Results

Looks like we have some spring fever on Eyewire! You finished the 328-cube marathon cell finished in 19 hours 47 minutes. Many …

January Marathon: Results

The winds of winter couldn’t stop you! Congrats on a great marathon, everyone. This 775-cube marathon cell finished in 22 hours 57 …

October Marathon: Results

Big congratulations, Eyewirers! You finished this 586-cube marathon cell in 18 hours 55 minutes, alongside 2 other cells. A smashing way to …

Minjeong Kim, Nurro, autumn leaves, October, marathon, Eyewire, citizen science

Here comes the October Marathon!

We’re down to the last marathon of 2021! After that, Hallow-Xmas 2 gets underway. So for the October Marathon, let’s see whether …

September Marathon: Results

Our 24 hours are up, and as far as equinox timing goes, on HQ time it appears we finished the 493-cube marathon …