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Competitions, Page 37

eyewire cup, soccer, football, competition, citizen science, neuroscience, neurons, seung lab, daniela gamba, for science, citizen science, nurro

Eyewire Cup Quarterfinals: Results

Congrats to the top 4 teams moving on to the Semifinals: Antarctica, Egypt, Poland, and Switzerland!   QF1: Antarctica vs Canada Winner: Antarctica …

soccer, football, competition, neuroscience, hunt

Eyewire Cup FAQ

The Eyewire Cup is the first of its kind on Eyewire, and because of that we’ve had a few questions about how …

Eyewire Cup Quarterfinals

The Quarterfinals are upon us and 8 spectacular teams have earned their spot to compete! Congratulations to the advancing countries: Antarctica United …

soccer, football, competition, neuroscience

Eyewire Cup Qualifiers

The Eyewire Cup will kick off tomorrow with a week of qualifiers for the 8 coveted spots in the Cup. During the …

Eyewire Cup Trivia

Before the Cup begins, get in the competitive spirit with a friendly round of trivia!  We’ll have some World Cup themed trivia …

eyewire cup, world cup, eyewire competition, competition, neuroscience, banner, sciart

Welcome to the Eyewire Cup!

Grab your vuvuzela, the 2018 Eyewire World Cup is here! All countries are eligible but only the top 8 from the qualifiers …

space, Eyewire, citizen science, nebula

Time vs. Space: Results!

Excellent work, Team Space! You have carried the day. Congratulations to both sides on a battle well fought, and enjoy your bonuses! …

May Marathon: Results!

Smashing work! You plowed through this first 1802-cube cell at a very respectable 15 hours 15 minutes and managed 7 hours exactly …

citizen science, Eyewire, Nurro, May, spring allergies

The May Marathon approaches!

Happy Monday, Eyewirers! What’s so happy about it? Well, marathon signups are open, for one thing. The forecast for Wednesday is clear …

Stalagmite, stalactite, cave, comic, funny cave, geez steve, funny stalactite, funny stalagmire

Stalactites vs Stalagmites

You probably learned about these cave formations in school, but we’ve certainly all mixed up the names of these two very close …