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Competitions, Page 30

art, art history, competition, fun, art style, art movement

Eyewire Museum: Evil Cubism

Evil Cubism: Saturday, April 20 @ 12 AM ET –  April 25 @ 12 PM ET Swag (generously sponsored by @susi): The top …

eyewire, art, art contest, neurons, competition

Eyewire art competition!

  Do you love art? Are you excited about our newest art history themed competition Night at the Eyewire Museum? Now you …

art, art history, competition, fun, renaissance art

Night at the Eyewire Museum

As long as humans have been alive they’ve been making art! Creativity is a part of the human experience. Even before Homo …

syke, scythe, heroes

April Promotions are coming!

Hello Eyewirers! Our next round of open promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors is approaching! During this time you can fill out the open promotion …

potato, tomato, vs, competition, fun, fruit, vegetable, tuber

Tomato vs Potato: Tomatoes win!

It was a delicious and nutritious battle, but in the end one food stood victorious. Congrats to team tomato, this weeks winner! …

marathon, Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Rika, Brax, Syke, Lina, Nurro, Nseraf

March Marathon: Results!

What a marathon! This first 460-cube cell was completed in a near-record 3 hours 53 minutes, the second 387-cube cell was completed …

Nurro, March, marathon, Eyewire, citizen science, gardening, watering, cat, garden, flowers

The March Marathon is here!

There’s a certain feeling in the air… could it be a marathon? Why yes, yes it is! We’re ready for the March …