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Competitions, Page 22

March Marathon: Results!

Most excellent work, Eyewirers! This month will not at all go out like a lamb. The 692-cube marathon cell finished in 20 …

March Accuracy Happy Hours

We’ve hit the third week of the month, and you might know what that means now: Accuracy Happy Hours! Let’s see who …

Flyx, Eyewire Rocks, Eyewire, citizen science, geology, crystal cavern, Daniela Gamba, spelunker

Eyewire Rocks: Awards

Thanks for rockin’ with us all week long on our geological journey! At HQ we loved the opportunity to delve deep into …

Mesozoic, dinosaur, citizen science, Eyewire, Eyewire Rocks, geology

Eyewire Rocks: Mesozoic wins!

The closing bell has sounded! That’s a wrap! And as the dust clears… it appears Team Mesozoic has carried the day! That …

Nurro, tectonic plates, Eyewire, citizen science, geology, Eyewire Rocks, Daniela Gamba

Eyewire Rocks: Trivia

If you’ll forgive us another play on words, geology is an absolute goldmine of cool facts, shiny objects, and special terminology. Pretty …

Daniela Gamba, Rika, stratigraphy, Eyewire, Eyewire Rocks, geology, citizen science

Eyewire Rocks: Hunt

Besides being able to identify different types of minerals and the rocks composed from them, a geologist often needs to become versed …