Beta Test: Live Player Overview

eyewire, scythe, mystic, scout, citizen science, cit sci, science game, game UI, cool UI, Reap

It’s finally time to beta test the most requested feature by players: live player overview. This feature brings the overview to life by showing the anonymous location of active Eyewirers, differentiating between Play, Reap, and Complete.

Since this beta test will only work when there are several people simultaneously online, we’re offering two beta sessions on Monday, Aug 20. 

First session: 11-11:30 am US ET

Second session: 7-7:30 pm US ET

To participate:

Visit in an incognito window (open an incognito window with keyboard command Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N with Chrome open). It works best in Google Chrome and only works if you use an incognito window.

Please do not visit the test server outside the session windows as we are still making adjustments and we would like the beta test to be the first time you see the live player overview interface.