Eyewire Hero: Evil Cube Strikes Back


After defeating Missing Nub with the finely tuned accuracy that only a superhuman could possess, you are feeling pretty great about yourself!  You’re ready to sit back, relax, and celebrate your heroic success with a good book and a nice bubble bath.

But just as you are pondering which essential oil would go best with Great Expectations, another one of Mergitron’s side-kicks blocks your way!

“It is I, Evil Cube, and none can defeat me!” the blocky villain announces with a menacing boom.  “HAHAHA, do your worst!”

The skies darken and a chill of what can only be described as Pure Evil runs down your spine.  Evil Cube begins to hurl a series of sinister looking cubes in your direction.  There are scattered nubs, horrible AI mergers, and black spills like you’ve never seen before!

You fear you may not be able to conquer these cubes alone.  But suddenly a cloaked figure emerges out of the shadows.  It can’t be!

“Oh but it is” the spirit whispers with a voice that is somehow both chilling and comforting at the same time.

With the GrimReaper by your side and the blood of Pure Science coursing through your veins, you may have a chance at defeating the menacing Evil Cube!

You can tackle Evil Cubes anytime between 12:01 AM ET on Saturday, Feburary 20th and 12:00 PM ET on Thursday, Feburary 25th.

DO NOT skip any cubes.  You will not get a chance to do that cube again.

The most heroic Evil Cube defeaters will receive:

  • Highest accuracy = 1 t-shirt
  • 2nd, 3rd places = 2 mugs
  • Raffle (for completing evil cubes) = 2 mugs

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