Explore Mode Bugs are Dead

Will has successfully exterminated the bugs in explore mode (yay, woohoo!)

The basics are the same (ctrl+e turns explore mode off and on, ctrl+m permanently commits what you’ve added in explore mode and ctrl+d discards everything you’ve added in explore mode)

A few notes about using explore mode from now on:

When you submit a cube with segments selected in explore mode, anything you’ve selected will be added as part of your validation.

If you play a cube, add in explore mode, escape to the overview and hit start playing again to reenter that cube any segments you added in explore mode will still be present HOWEVER you will not see them in the main overview.

For the scythes:  If you add a segment in explore mode (whether during regular play or while in inspect mode) that segment will remain in that cube while you are in the overview as long as that cube remains selected.  Once you deselect that cube the explore mode segments will not be saved/added.


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