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eyewire academy, back to school, eyewire, competition, fun, major competition, events

Art vs Music: Music wins!

It was a tough competition but in the end one elective came out on top. It looks like Eyewire Academy will have …

eyewire academy, back to school, eyewire, competition, fun, major competition, events

Eyewire Academy: Art vs Music

It’s time to pick an elective! Whether it’s Art or Music sometimes budget cuts will sadly only allow you to choose one. …

Lina, Brax, past, future, abacus, computer, time travel

Past vs Future: Past wins!

It was a competition that broke the space time continuum, but in the end we could only hurdle in one direction. The …

potato, tomato, vs, competition, fun, fruit, vegetable, tuber

Tomato vs Potato: Tomatoes win!

It was a delicious and nutritious battle, but in the end one food stood victorious. Congrats to team tomato, this weeks winner! …