What computer science skills are most valuable in neuroscience research?
What computer science skills are most valuable in neuroscience research? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: Here are a few that …
What computer science skills are most valuable in neuroscience research? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: Here are a few that …
How well do fMRI measurements correlate with neural activity? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: What most people say is that fMRI correlates …
What are the basics of brain chemistry? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: This is a challenging question because neurochemistry is so complex. …
What happens in the human brain when we are thinking or making decisions? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: This is like …
EyeWire is all about understanding vision. Today guest blogger Paul King answers a question rarely considered question: just how well can a …
Guest Blogger and Neuroscientist Paul King of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley weighs in on Quora. Q: How do neurons recruit other …
Guest Blogger and Neuroscientist Paul King of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley weighs in on Quora. Q: What are some things …
Neuroscientist Paul King of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley weighs in on Quora. Q: How does the brain keep track of time? …
Where did this estimate come from? Neuroscientists Bradley Voytek of UCSF and Paul King of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC …