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cortex, neurons, action potential

Axon vs Dendrite: Neuroscience Knockout

Can’t get enough Versus competitions? Can’t get enough neuroscience? Don’t worry, we’re here with a head-to-head battle that will satisfy your cravings …

iarpa microns, MICrONS, machine intelligence cortical networks, AI, artificial intelligence, connectome, connectomics

Pyr Science Q&A

On Thursday, July 29, 2021, the most detailed examination of mammalian brain circuitry to date was released from Princeton University’s Seung Lab, The …

neuroglancer, microns, pyramidal neuron, citizen science, pyr, neo, eyewire, neuroscience, neurons, brain, cortex

Explore Cortical Neurons

We are excited to share the MICrONS Explorer, a visualization tool featuring 364 excitatory cortical neurons. These cells come from Layer 2/3 …