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Eyewire, Page 6

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

August Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

July Accuracy Happy Hours

We know that many of our players are students (whether at the university level or in grade school!) and so we’re in …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

July Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

June Accuracy Happy Hours

Here at Eyewire HQ, we’re just about at the longest day of the year. And when the days get this long, it’s …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

June Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

Eyewire presents: Team Gene!

Your genes make you you! Today we are all familiar with DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid, a polymer that carries the genetic instructions for …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

May Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

April Accuracy Happy Hours

You all know the saying: April showers bring accuracy flowers! And what does good accuracy bring? Badges and bonuses! We are once …