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Eyewire, Page 3

April Accuracy Happy Hours

As we’ve said before: April showers bring May flowers… but also bonuses. Accuracy-based bonuses, that is! What do you think you’re able …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

April Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

March Accuracy Happy Hours

Spring is in the air, or maybe autumn if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, and in this time of transition it seems …

Eyewire, citizen science, Flyx, Brax, open promotions, Scythe, Mystic, Scout, mod, Mentor

March Promotions

Hello Eyewirers! This is your monthly reminder about promotions for Scouts, Scythes, Mystics, Mods, and Mentors! You can fill out the open …

citizen science, Eyewire, hummingbird, ornithology, birds, Battle of the Birds

Battle of the Birds: Awards

Cock-a-doodle-doo and chicka-dee-dee, the Battle of the Birds is over! But this ornithological extravaganza should serve as a fitting feather to add …