What to Expect from Pyr Gameplay
Two new preprints titled Functional connectomics spanning multiple areas of mouse visual cortex and Petascale neural circuit reconstruction: automated methods reveal the mindboggling …
Two new preprints titled Functional connectomics spanning multiple areas of mouse visual cortex and Petascale neural circuit reconstruction: automated methods reveal the mindboggling …
A team of neuroscientists and engineers at Princeton University, the Allen Institute, and Baylor College of Medicine has just released the largest …
You’re invited to a livechat on eyewire.org on Thursday, July 29 at 3 pm US ET for an update on Pyr, the next …
It’s time to choose! Do you you prefer the perspective that 3D objects give you, or do you opt for the …
We’re about a year and a half into Mystic, an advanced tier of Eyewire gameplay that allows players to access zebrafish brains …
What’s in a brain? So many cells; such great variety! When it comes to neurons, they can be broadly categorized as either …
Check out these new images featuring some of the cells our Mystic players have been mapping! These cells are from our “zfish” …
Are you a full stack developer with a passion for games and an interest in the brain? Join a team that is …
Scientists are always finding that things we thought would never change are actually in constant motion. Up until just a century ago, it …
Today we are excited to share that EyeWire’s first scientific discovery has been published in Nature! Why does it matter? This discovery …
What happens in the human brain when we are thinking or making decisions? Neuroscientist Paul King weighs in via Quora: This is like …
Today is the final day of Revenge of IFLS on EyeWire. It’s also the beginning of our countdown to 100,000 EyeWirers. EyeWire’s one …