Mystic Mondays

eyewire, scout, scythe, hero, neuroscience, AR, hologram, citizen science, science hero, superhero, Mystic

Hello again Mystics!

We know you’ve been asking for a more consistent release schedule, and we are here with good news!

Mystic cells will now be released every Monday, between 11 am and noon ET.

We’re going to ask that for the first 24 hours after the release that each player completes no more than 1 cell as Player A and 1 cell as Player B.*  This will allow all Mystics a better chance to be able to claim a cell when they are released.

After the 24 hour period you are free to claim as many of the cells as you would like.  However, please remember that you may only work on one cell at a time, you should do your best to split your time between doing A and B cells (try to work in a pattern of A, B, A, B when possible), and accuracy takes precedence over speeding through cells.

Here at HQ we are going to do our best to make sure there are enough Mystic cells to go around at the time of their release.  However, there may be occasions when you will not be able to claim as many cells as you like.  If this happens, you’ll have another chance to claim cells the following week.

*Players whose cells end up being duplicates may pick new cells within the 24 hour window.