Featured EyeWirer: Jean-Francois Gariépy
A behind the scenes look at the EyeWire community.
Meet the EyeWirers who are mapping the retinal connectome. This week’s Featured EyeWirer is Jean-Francois Gariépy.
Meet Jean-François Gariépy (@jfgariepy), a post-doctoral researcher at Duke University. He is interested in how the brain manages social interactions.
Why do you play EyeWire?
I think it’s a constructive way to spend some hobby time – how many time is lost watching TV, playing games with no purpose, etc… ? EyeWire is a nice way to make that time useful to society.
How did you discover EyeWire?
Because I am doing brain research I received an email from someone in the EyeWire team presenting the idea! I found it spectacular right away.
Share a short story that helps the world get to know you.
I like to cook. Once in a while I like to bring my cooking material to the job and prepare a fine meal for everyone.
Anything else you’d like to add?
This EyeWire thing is a little bit crazy, and exciting.