Eyewire Credits

Eyewire Team
Executive Director: Amy R. Sterling
Full Stack Developer: Chris Jordan
Game Masters: Marissa Sorek, Celia David, Devon Jones, Doug Bland
Illustrator: Daniela Gamba
Consulting Designers: Alex Norton
Principal Investigator: Sebastian Seung
Princeton University, Seung Lab
See seunglab.org.
This research is supported by Supported by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) via Department of Interior/ Interior Business Center (DoI/IBC) contract numberD16PC0005. Eyewire is supported by NIH grant UH2 CA203710. Seung Lab is also supported by ARO and the Mathers Foundation.
Former Team Members
MIT UROPs: Aaron Hammond, Dmetri Hayes, Michael Purcaro, David Jia, Brett Warne, and Rachel Shearer participated in early work on software development. Claire O’Connell (edX fellowship).
Development Team: Mark Richardson, Leandro Burnes, Srini Turaga, Matt Susskind, Katya Radul, Matt Balkam, William Silversmith, Spencer Franklin
Neuroimaging: Ashwin Vishwanathan
Neuroscience: Jinseop Kim
Backend Development: Shang Mu
Algorithms, AI, and Data Structures: Aleks Zlateski, Kisuk Lee
Development Intern: Alec Jordan
Game Masters & Tracers: Rachel Prentki, Lyndsey Trawinski, Aleks Ostojic, Ross Avery, Sean Temple, Mike Weiss, Ian Danskin, Joanna Wheatley
Illustration, Graphic Design, and Animation: Beth Almeida, Luke Hollyer, Amy Concannon, Stewart Holmes, Hannah Choi, Chengcheng Xiao, Nicole Benson, Montakan Namthong, Tyler Scagliarini, Dom Civiello, Karyll Catubig, Grace Emmet, Maddi Coyne, Soyeon Lim, Vivian Zhang, Hilary Bouvier, Jordi Valladares, Zoe Gillette, Minjeong Kim, Rabbit Giraud, Rob Hamill, Broderick Woodward-Crackower, Zach Herman, Monica Oh, Lila Cart, Anna Fernandez, Elena Daly, Megan Kelly
Other Interns: Danny Sparer, Cael O’Toole, Caity Kwun
Music & Sound Design: John Smith, Julian Samal
Korean Translation & Community Support: Kyung Lim, Mina Kim
Shoutout to Matt Irwin and the team at Indicated.co, who created Neuron Safari, Eyewire’s pioneering virtual reality experience. Scott Greenwald and Daniel Citron contributed to the design and development of BrainVR.
Daniel Berger has assisted with 3D renderings. Eyewire is based on images of the retina acquired at the Max Planck Institute of Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany by Kevin Briggman, Moritz Helmstaedter, and Winfried Denk using a method known as serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.
Eyewire is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health, the NSF, and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). It was originally made possible by support from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Max Planck Society.
Special Thanks: Elizabeth Bailey, Rachel Cuozzo, Alan Diaz-Romero, Emilio Gonzalez, Jonathan Gootenberg, Shaunak Kishore, Yinqing Li, Greg Lubin, Tomer Mangoubi, Claire O’Connell, Ami Patel, Laya Rajan, Christopher Smith, Jacob Steinhardt, Jessica Sun, Arvind Thiagarajan, and Jason Toy.
All Eyewire images, screenshots and animations are licensed Creative Commons-Share Alike, non-commercial. We kindly request that you contact support at eyewire dot org before publishing any of our images.