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for science eyewire green

Announcing New Levels in Eyewire

New levels in Eyewire From this point forward, EyeWire will change a bit. We will no longer solely be focused on Starbursts for our advanced …

Overview Crystal Bug Fix

Hey Eyewirers! I’ve noticed some of our players using Windows and Chrome have reported seeing the following problem with the overview: If …

eyewire neuron branches low poly in space lower res

A New Partnership: EyeWire and KT

Today EyeWire Founder Sebastian Seung is in Seoul, Korea, signing a Memorandum of Understanding for a new partnership between EyeWire and Korea …

Smote the Evil Cubes!

The GrimReaper is pleased.  So many of you slogged your way through the tangle of the Evil Cubes.  Over 300 of you …

Science Answers: The Mouse Retina

Today we completed our 150th neuron! To celebrate, I’m answering some of your questions about the retina, the data, and the tracing! …

149 Cells!

We’ve now completed 149 cells!  We’re only 1 away from 150!  Great job everyone!