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Eyewire, citizen science, Hallow-Xmas, Halloween, Xmas, holiday

Hallow-Xmas 2: Trivia

‘Tis the week of the Finals, but at Grim’s behest We must stretch our brains while our tracing hands rest: For no …

hallow-xmas, christmas, halloween, competition

Hallow-Xmas 2: Semifinals

The days shorten further, and winter’s true bite Comes frosty and chilly through long, windy night. But kindle some candles, then bundle …

hallow-xmas, christmas, halloween, competition

Hallow-Xmas 2: Quarterfinals

Midway through November, when first snow might fall, This part of our bracket seems strangest of all: When Halloween’s cobwebs are hung …

hallow-xmas, christmas, halloween, competition

Hallow-Xmas 2: Round of 16

The red leaves have fallen, and winter feels near, With temperatures dropping and drizzles so drear. But harvest continues — it isn’t …

Hallow-Xmas 2: Qualifiers

The full moon is waning, and darkness descends: What’s better to do than dress up with your friends? To start Hallow-Xmas, we …

Geometry Party: Awards!

  Thanks to everyone who stopped by for some mathy fun at the Geometry Party! We hope you geeked out with lots …

Geometry Party: Marathon Results!

Wow that’s one big polyhedron! Our Marathon cell crossed the finish line with 1,648 cubes and took 30 hrs and 12 minutes to complete. …