Science Answers: The Mouse Retina

Wiring specificity in the Direction-Selectivity Circuit of the Retina. K. L. Briggman M. Helmstaedter W. Denk. Nature volume 471 p. 183-188

Today we completed our 150th neuron! To celebrate, I’m answering some of your questions about the retina, the data, and the tracing!

How big is a mouse retina?

On average, a mouse’s retina has an area of about 15.6 mm2 and an estimated thickness of about 0.1mm, giving it a total volume of 1.56 mm3!

How much of the mouse’s retina have we traced?

There are an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 cells in our dataset, and the dataset is about 1/150 to 1/100 of the whole retina. Since we just completed our 150th cell, we can say that we’ve traced between 1 and 1.5% of the dataset, and between .007 and .015% of the whole mouse retina.

How long did it take to produce the dataset?

It took the researches at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research 1 day to do the calcium imaging, but electron microscopy acquisition took 8 weeks!

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